Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Hotels In Virginia Beach | "Celebrate A Beer Holiday Directly In The Virginia"

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Category :   Hotels In Virginia Beach
By             :  Beach Hotel
Posted By : Hotels in Virginia Beach North Courtyard

Calling for all beer lovers! The last August weekend (31. August - 1. September) is definitely a date to highlight in your diary. For nearly two centuries the Plzen-residents (Pilsner) have celebrated their world famous beer with an annual festival and celebrated the Gambrinus and Pilsner Urquell beer during the two-day festival.

Celebrate a Beer Holiday
Last year almost 42.000 people visited the Pilsner Fest and drank more than 650 hectolitres of beer. The Pilsner Urquell brewery will be hosting the two-day festival with live music, competitions and giveaways for all attendants. The well-planned musical line-up will serve as the perfect soundtrack to your Pilsner Fest 2012! In the courtyard of the brewery there will be two stages with musical performances of famous musicians such as David Koller or Tatabojs. This is also your chance to experience special tours through the Pilsner Brewery Museum . The final of the event will be marked by a beautiful firework as the perfect accompaniment to the musical entertainment spectacle.

Come and enjoy a perfect weekend at the Pilsner Fest, listen to some great music and taste the world-famous Czech beer! Take advantage of your special package  and stay at the angelo Hotel Pilsen, which is situated just opposite the famous Pilsner Urquell brewery.

This entry was posted in Czech Republic, Travel Tips, Events, Cultur and tagged with Pilsen, Pilsner Urquell, Gambrinus, Beer, Beer Fest, Pilsner Fest, brewery .

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